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Image by Brooke Cagle


1. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. Jesus is the only way to God the Father for your family members (John 14:6). If anyone resists the truth, they resist salvation and whoever loves the truth, embrace's salvation and receives their eternal reward; everlasting life with God their heavenly Father forever. Pray that your family members will accept Jesus Christ as the way, the truth and life. 

2. God's word is alive and active and it is sharper than any double edged sword (Hebrews 4:12) and God is watching over his word to perform it (Jeremiah 1:12). Therefore it is your position as God's ambassador in your home to confess, declare, proclaim and release the word of God back to God, so he can perform a miracle in the heart of your loved ones. Thank God that His word is so powerful that it is changing the lives of your loved ones.  

3. It is the goodness of God that leads mankind to repentance (Romans 2:4) and God is the one who draws us to Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit (John 6:44). God prepares the heart for salvation so ask and thank Him to continue drawing your loved ones to Jesus. 

4. The Bible clearly tells us in 2 Corinthians 4:4 that the God of this world has blinded the minds of those who DO NOT believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God brings light and the devil brings darkness, therefore we must pray that the mind's of our loved ones will receive the light, the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ. Evil God of this world you are bound so that the light of Christ shine into the minds of my loved ones.  

5. Jesus told his disciples that when he departs to go back to the Father, the helper (comforter & counsellor) - the Holy Spirit will come and convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgement (John 16:7-8). Ask the Holy Spirit to convict your family members of sin, righteousness and judgement.


6. This is the highlight, that Jesus came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10). If you have members of your family that are lost, pray and ask Jesus to seek and save your loved ones.






Image by Elizeu Dias

10. In the book of Genesis, God saved Noah and his household. In Exodus, God saved Israel. In the book of Joshua, God saved Rahab and her family. In Acts Chapter 10, God saved Cornelius and his household. Its God's desire to not only save you but your family, like Noah, Rahab, and Cornelius. William Booths wife Catherine, prayed, "O God, I will not stand before Thee without all my children." The result was, every one of her children was saved and became a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God has joined you and your household together. Its God's will for you to be saved and every member of your household. Pray, I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. I am saved & my household.  

11. Ask God that each family member will fulfil God's purpose and destiny for their life (Ephesians 2:10) and they will love, know & serve the Lord will all their heart, soul, mind and strength (Matthew 22:37). I release my family into your watch care Father believing each one will fulfil your destiny & purpose for their life and help us all to love You above all else & serve You with everything that is within us, in Jesus name.  

Image by Miguel Bautista


Image by Omid Armin

7. In Matthew 9:37-38, Jesus described that the harvest of lost souls on the earth is plenty but the labourer's - those called, equipped and anointed of God to witness Jesus, are few. Pray that the Lord of the harvest will send the right people across your loved ones path who will witness Jesus, presenting the Gospel message in truth. It is by grace that a person is saved through faith and faith comes by hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17).  


8. God says that he will pour out his Spirit on all people, in the last days. We are in the last days and as ambassadors of Jesus Christ we agree that God is pouring out his Spirit on all people including your family members. In Acts 2:17-21, we declare God's word for our sons and daughters to prophesy, young men in our families to see vision's and old men to dream. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved, including our families. Pray and thank God that He is pouring out of of His Spirit on every member of your household and by the grace of God each one will call on the name of the Lord and be saved. This is the will of God.  


9. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved and your house (Acts 16:31). When you were saved, you believed God for the salvation of your soul, so in the same manner, believe God for each member of your family to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for themselves and be saved. Our role as Christ's ambassadors is to stand in the gap on behalf of our loved one's, Pray God's word over their life and ask God to save your loved ones and believe that God will do it in his way and his timingAll things are possible with God (Matthew 19:26) and his hand is not to short to save (Isaiah 59:1). God's part is to move upon each family member whereby they are convicted of sin like never before and run to Jesus of their own free will and be saved. 


12. Pray for God's protection from the evil one for you and your family (John 17:15) and that no harm or accidents will come near (Psalm 91:10). Welcome and thank God for all His supernatural assistance including the angel of the Lord to surround you and every member of your family (Psalm 34:7). Plead the blood of Jesus over yourself, every member of your family, your children, spouse etc. (Exodus 12:3-13, Revelation 12:11). I pray God's protection against harm and accidents and I plead the precious blood of Jesus over myself and all my family members in Jesus name, Amen.  

 All teachings, videos are copyright of CRM - feel free to share and pass on to family and friends 
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